Deep Learning with Tensorflow Documentation

This repository is a collection of various Deep Learning algorithms implemented using the TensorFlow library. This package is intended as a command line utility you can use to quickly train and evaluate popular Deep Learning models and maybe use them as benchmark/baseline in comparison to your custom models/datasets.


tensorflow >= 0.6 (tested on tensorflow 0.6, 0.7.1 and 0.8)


  • Configuration file, used to set the path to the data directories:
  • models_dir: directory where trained model are saved/restored
  • data_dir: directory to store data generated by the model (for example generated images)
  • summary_dir: directory to store TensorFlow logs and events (this data can be visualized using TensorBoard)

Available models

Convolutional Networks

Example usage:

python command_line/ --dataset custom --main_dir convnet-models --model_name my.Awesome.CONVNET --train_dataset path/to/train_set.npy --valid_dataset path/to/valid_set.npy --test_set path/to/test_set.npy --layers conv2d-5-5-32-1,maxpool-2,conv2d-5-5-64-1,maxpool-2,full-1024,softmax --batch_size 50 --verbose 1 --learning_rate 1e-4 --opt adam --dropout 0.5

This command trains a Convolutional Network using the provided training, validation and testing sets, and the specified training parameters. The architecture of the model, as specified by the –layer argument, is:

  • 2D Convolution layer with 5x5 filters with 32 feature maps and stride of size 1
  • Max Pooling layer of size 2
  • 2D Convolution layer with 5x5 filters with 64 feature maps and stride of size 1
  • Max Pooling layer of size 2
  • Fully connected layer with 1024 units
  • Softmax layer

For the default training parameters please see command_line/ The TensorFlow trained model will be saved in config.models_dir/convnet-models/my.Awesome.CONVNET.

Restricted Boltzmann Machine

Example usage:

python command_line/ --dataset custom --main_dir rbm-models --model_name my.Awesome.RBM --train_dataset path/to/train_set.npy --valid_dataset path/to/valid_set.npy --num_hidden 250 --num_epochs 10 --batch_size 128 --learning_rate 0.0001 --gibbs_sampling_steps 3 --verbose 1

This command trains a RBM with 250 hidden units using the provided training and validation sets, and the specified training parameters. For the default training parameters please see command_line/ The TensorFlow trained model will be saved in config.models_dir/rbm-models/my.Awesome.RBM.

Deep Belief Network

Example usage:

python command_line/ --dataset mnist --main_dir dbn-models --model_name my-deeper-dbn --layers 512,256 --rbm_num_epochs 15 --rbm_batch_size 25 --batch_size 25 --rbm_learning_rate 0.005 --learning_rate 0.001 --num_epochs 10 --verbose 1 --loss_func cross_entropy --dropout 0.7 --act_func relu

This command trains a DBN on the MNIST dataset. Two RBMs are used in the pretraining phase, the first is 784-512 and the second is 512-256. The training parameters of the RBMs can be specified layer-wise: for example we can specify the learning rate for each layer with: –rbm_learning_rate 0.005,0.1. In this case the fine-tuning phase uses dropout and the ReLU activation function.

Deep Autoencoder

Example usage:

python command_line/ --dataset cifar10 --cifar_dir path/to/cifar10 --main_dir deep-autoencoder --model_name deeper-is-better --layers 8192,2048,512,256

This command trains a Deep Autoencoder built as a stack of RBMs on the cifar10 dataset. The layers in the finetuning phase are 3072 -> 8192 -> 2048 -> 512 -> 256 -> 512 -> 2048 -> 8192 -> 3072, that’s pretty deep.

Denoising Autoencoder

Example usage:

python command_line/ --n_components 1024 --batch_size 64 --num_epochs 20 --verbose 1 --learning_rate 0.05 --corr_type masking --corr_frac 0.5 --enc_act_func sigmoid --dec_act_func sigmoid --loss_func cross_entropy --opt momentum --momentum 0.9 --main_dir dae-models --model_name dae1024 --weight_images 200

This command trains a Denoising Autoencoder on MNIST with 1024 hidden units, sigmoid activation function for the encoder and the decoder, and 50% masking noise. The –weight_images 200 save 200 random hidden units as images in config.data_dir/dae-models/img/ so that you can visualize the learned filters.

Stacked Denoising Autoencoder

Example usage:

python command_line/ –layers 1024,784,512,256 –batch_size 25 –num_epochs 5 –verbose 1 –corr_type masking –corr_frac 0.0 –finetune_learning_rate 0.002 –finetune_num_epochs 25 –opt momentum –momentum 0.9 –learning_rate 0.05 –enc_act_func sigmoid –finetune_act_func relu –dropout 0.7

This command trains a Stack of Denoising Autoencoders 784 <-> 1024, 1024 <-> 784, 784 <-> 512, 512 <-> 256, and then performs supervised finetuning with ReLUs.

MultiLayer Perceptron

Just train a Stacked Denoising Autoencoder of Deep Belief Network with the –do_pretrain false option.

TODO list

  • Add Performace file with the performance of various algorithms on banchmark datasets
  • Reinforcement Learning implementation (Deep Q-Learning)